PathSchedule timezone bug

jay thoughts

I never thought about timezones & PathSchedule before – I mean, if you’re using it you’re probably on the east coast… so, I’m in pasadena and just realized that if my phone timezone is set to anything but EST/EDT you’ll get some funky train schedules. The Trillium Transit data doesn’t contain timezone information (at least I don’t think it does) …


jay thoughts

I really need to pay attention to the WWDC talks – I totally missed the one on CallKit this year. Evidently Apple now allows us to use the iOS call interface for apps (specifically VOIP apps). I haven’t tried it out yet but this could be the solution for a better experience of “Swipe to Stop Action” in StageCaller. Unfortunately …

StageCaller (android) alpha11

jay announcements

alpha 11 released today – minor improvements to ui – fixed trigger dialog (actually works now) – fixed midi bonjour name in settings activity – added cloud chooser dialog – fixed google drive download – minor improvements to backgrounding (cpu wakelock management) evidently ‘stop action on pickup’ works on more devices that I had thought… I need to find a …

StageCaller (android) alpha10

jay news

Alpha10 of StageCaller is available now on Google Play. I did a complete rewrite of my midi library – it’s about twice as fast now and seems a lot more stable. Heartbeat (for both OSC and MIDI) is now functional… MIDI auto reconnect is functional but not yet available to the StageCaller UI. I need to rethink how I want …